Got questions?

Is there a historical fact or myth about Columbia, Missouri you’d like investigated? Is there a house whose history intrigues you? Did you ever wonder if there is a rhyme or reason to the way our streets are named? If you ask, I’ll try to answer in upcoming blog posts. You can also subscribe to…

Research resources

Researching history can be fun and here is a resource list to help you get started, as I promised everyone who turned out for the Columbia’s Hidden History talk at the Columbia Public Library at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, June 19. Don’t forget you can send me your suggestions for research and myth busting at…

History and the Loch Ness monster

A few years ago I visited Loch Ness in Scotland. Yes, I wanted to see Nessie. In fact, I had kind of hoped there might actually be a Loch Ness monster. But in Loch Ness, I learned that the people who said they’d seen the Loch Ness monster had many years ago admitted it was just an…