History – use it or lose it?

In 2021, Columbia will be celebrating its 200th anniversary, but will this be a celebration of all of our history or only the history of a few? The next meeting of the Mayor’s Task Force on Bicentennial Celebration Planning Meeting is set for 5:30 p.m. on Aug. 23, 2018, in the Community Room Walton Building…

CoMo is turning 200!

Guess what?! Columbia, Missouri and Boone County, Missouri will soon be celebrating 200 years! Columbia, Missouri was founded first as Smithton in 1818, then moved a few blocks east and renamed Columbia in 1821. Boone County was founded in 1820, according to the Boone County Government site. To plan festivities to mark the bicentennial,  Columbia Mayor…

Under your feet tour Saturday, Oct. 15

Love history? Love knowing about what other people miss? Here’s your chance to learn about history literally under your feet and to learn about something most people never think about — the building techniques and materials of brick streets. A free tour is set for 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 15, 2016, and will be conducted…

Demolishing James Apartments: More than the loss of one building

Why should we care about one building being demolished? One building older than 100 years doesn’t seem like much to lose. We have lots of buildings, right? Yes and no. This Feb. 16, 2016 article by Brittany Crocker with photos by Mikala Compton published in the Columbia Missourian explains why the loss of one building…

This is why you get lost in Columbia, Missouri

Bet you didn’t know that Chapel Hill Road used to be West Boulevard South. Which now makes sense of the fact that the rest of West Boulevard often has addresses such as 121 West Boulevard North. This street name tidbit came out at the April 1, 2014 event honoring the 2014 Most Notable Properties named…

Could the student-housing boom help this motor inn?

This Columbia Missourian article outlines beautifully the history of the Arrow Head Motel, what Deb Sheals says in the story is one of the last remaining old tourist camps. The present owner, Mohammad Eldeib, no longer rent rooms there, instead using the location to rent trucks and trailers. But in the article, he notes he’d…

Learn how to uncover history

Have you ever wondered about the history of your home, neighborhood or one you drive by or see often? Here’s your chance to learn how to uncover the history all around you. Deb Sheals, an architectural historian and historic preservation consultant will be giving a free talk at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, June 18, 2013…

Take a historic tour of Columbia’s highlights

There’s no time limit on taking this historic tour. Here’s a link to a PowerPoint presentation that basically offers a tour of Columbia’s historic highlights. This presentation was presented by Deb Sheals, a historic preservation consultant, in May 2011 at a public meeting of the Columbia Historic Preservation Commission. I love taking these kinds of…

Update on the historic Heibel-March Building

In October, the Columbia Tribune updated readers on the development — or rather the lack of development of — the Heibel-March Building. Built in 1927, once again the brick structure faces an uncertain future. The building was named to Columbia’s Notable Properties list in 2005. Could the problem be no one has tried to put…

No guarantee for historic homes: Demolition process explained

When a house is demolished, it always seems sudden. When it happens in your neighborhood or on our regular route, it can seem surprising or disorienting. That’s what happened to Curtis Stafford, who has been working on the house at 303 St. Joseph for months. When 400 St. Joseph, in his neighborhood, was demolished, he…